v0.02 is out:
What’s new:
- Ability to change team names (read instructions carefully for this one)
- Ability to change league name
- Ability to change player names and skills on the Depth Chart page

Please let me know ASAP if you find any bugs so I can fix them!
Each team has 7 players a side on a 60 yard field.
Most things are automated, however there are a few things you can do:
- You choose the Depth Chart order,
- You choose the Pass/Run ratio
- You choose the defensive formation.
- You have control over all 8 teams
The game has 8 fictional teams in two divisions. The top two teams play off in the ‘Coffee Bean Bowl’
Let me know if you find any bugs ?

- You may need to allow iterative calculations (allows circular formulas)
- Allow Macros
Just purchased Dice Cricket. looks great.
Would absolutely love a Dice Rugby/League game one day! 😉
Thanks for the feedback. I do plan to develop a rugby dice game in the future.
I’ve played 10 games with Inning Baseball 2 and I love it. It is pretty amazing how complete a set of stats you can get in around 10-12 minutes per game playing time. Just bought Drive Football and am looking forward to playing that this fall. One question: in the instructions for Drive Football it says you are developing an Excel helper to auto-populate the gamebook. Is that still in the works?
Never mind my question in the last comment. I found the Excel helper in the zip file.
hi – I love the American football game! can you tell me the password to unlock the Excel file?